Very nice, just cut the beginning, it was unneeded.
Very nice, just cut the beginning, it was unneeded.
If you were djing it you'd want it there. Listen to any house songs they always have beat match sections to make it easier for djs to mix in. If it was a radio edit I'd cut it out. But I don't get radio play lol. Thanks tho
Wow, I love your KH remixes! I would like to see you take a KH song, and remix with added notes and basically make an extension of a KH song. Give it a shot ;)
Once my keyboard starts working again I fully intend to do that :P , Have another remix on the way that combines two songs :D
Sounds interesting. The bells add to the song, but get a bit repetitive. I would suggest keeping the bells at a lower volume because it felt like they were overpowering the other instruments of this song. Also try adding some additional instruments, and I didn't really like the snare, it sounded too... staticy? for my tastes. Interesting, but needs improvement.
i plan to add some variation to the bells and bring them down later in the song thanks for the suggestion though. as for the drums im not touching them. i have no idea what to do withem lol
Not much to say than whats already been said by Solkrieg. The transition at about 3:05 was a little...... unexpected. It was a bit strange that you slowed down the tempo but right after that it picked up again. Also (I know you already stated this but) the ending was, meh. My favorite part of the whole song was probably the intro. You just need to fix some parts and I think it'll be a success!
thats understandable
personally i really liked the part at 3:05 with the whole down tempo the totally unleashing uptempo but like i already said but if i spent more time on it you would get more of what i get out of it
when i get some new plugins ( mainly new drums) and learn how to master better im gona start asking those who i get my constant reviews from to start grading my music on a more professional outlook comparing my stuff to pro stuff( and as stupid as that sounds) i need to get better and when im better at mastering and get new packs i wont have an excuse to not make better music
its one of my many dreams to go pro with this stuff ive been around music all my life which gives me a slight advantage but ive only been working with these programs for a short while which puts me at a disadvantage but either way i want to get so good at making music one of these days that when somebody asks who decoy ultimatum is others are disgusted at them for not knowing who i am
just like when people on ng ask" who is" xkore is or paragonx9 or even acid paradox im always like "you have been on newgrounds how long? and you have no idea who they are???!!!"
ps sorry for the stupidly long response sometimes i just keep typing and forget that"not everybody wants to read my life story " and all that crap but i already typed it so whatev lol
Nice song. Sounded original and didn't have any errors (from what I heard). Definitely worth a download, great work ;)
Thanx man :) I'm glad you liked it :)
This was everything a remix should be and MORE. You started off nice with the piano, and after that I just got lost in this song. My favorite part by far was the ending because I could picture every zelda game the song of storms is in. After listening to this song 3 times without realizing it is an achievement good sir. 5/5 10/10
Thanks for the review!
The song itself is nice overall but the transition at 1:39 needs some improvement, and after 1:39 it sounds like a different song. You just need to tweak some things but still good job. 5/5 8/10
thank you :)
well, it actually was my intention that it sounds like something very new. it can be seen as a game-over screen after the run-and-hide-game in the fast part before ;)
listen to it again with that knowledge and you might think different about it. if not, it is your opinion and i accept it :D
Love the song, the only way I can think of improving it would be to have the sea sound through the whole song as a background noise, but that may just be more of an opinion then a fact. Anyways great work.
thanks a lot! i also think that it is an opinion even if i would have liked it though (:
I would say this sounds a bit more like techno than video game, but nice work lovin this song!
Thanks for taking your time for rating my song! I really appreciate that ;)
This might sound like techno because i have been producing hands up songs for 2 and a half years by now. that's an influence which is hard to fight against :)
I posted it as a video-game song though because a lot of people say:"heey, this is an 8-bit song (which is isn't :D). reminds me of the NES!". So i thought that most of the people would classify this song as a video-game-song ;)
thanks again and feel free to check out my other stuff ;)
greetz, Patrick
No climax
Ok I was fine with the song starting out slow, but the problem is that when your fighting a boss, there is a point where it either slowly becomes more fast paced, or it instantly becomes fast paced, and that is what this loop is lacking. Keeping a song slow paced is a bit boring for the user. I think that what you have here is something that you can start the loop with in the first 15-20 seconds, then after that use one of the methods I stated earlier (or however you want to do it) but have it pick up the tempo then it will definitely be a worthy boss battle song.
If you are planning on following my advice, private message me when you submit the newer version, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for the useful input Seifire. I find that one of the struggles of making a requested 0:30 - 1:30 second loop lies in the fact that there is no space for a build-up and, eventually, a "build-down" that seamlessly reconnects to the beginning. A quick transition, as you said, might do the trick, however.
I'll try out your advice and let you know if something worthy comes out from it. Cheers
There is not much to say really, I develop some music on FL and I'm a pc gamer.
Age 29, Male
The Country of California
Joined on 3/15/11